What Our Parents Say
“I enjoy the Friendship Online curriculum, what they’re teaching them. It’s different compared to their old school. I just feel like it’s better. They are exposed to different materials. Something that will be useful for them in the real world when they do become adults. And this is the foundation for them now.”
Maura Cortez
Mother of 2 Friendship Online students
“Jeraldo’s in a wheelchair and has a fair amount of medical appointments… Friendship Online became a better option for us because even with his medical appointments… those online classes are recorded so Jeraldo can come back in and actually watch the recordings. And he's able to keep up. So I've noticed a positive development in Jeraldo’s communication skills, emotional intelligence and even academically. Where he was an average student coming out of elementary school, Jeraldo’s now an above average student.”
Christina Henry
Mother of 10th grade Friendship Online student
“That’s the main reason why I took him out of public school. Because I didn’t see he was getting the proper attention that he needed. When he attended school in person, I felt like he wasn’t learning enough. But then when he went to school online, he was more focused, he was getting more attention…No matter how many kids they had, Friendship always had their attention on you. I love it…If you need any help or anything, they stop everything and help you."
Emely Rosa
Mother of 10th grade Friendship Online student
“We are a military family. And so we move a lot. Therefore, we’ve chosen to home school so we don’t have to worry about where we live and school districts and all that kind of stuff.”
Beverly Hudalla
Mother of 3 Friendship Online students
“They get more attention at Friendship Online. There’s less distractions. And I also saw the strides that they made. They get good grades. Their teachers are always there when they need them…Once I saw the strides they made in virtual schooling, that was my decision to keep them virtual.”
Shayla Miller
Mother of 2 Friendship Online students